P. Crespi & S. Manghani (ed.), Rhythm and Critique. Techniques, modalities, practices

Article publié le 8 juin 2020
Pour citer cet article : , « P. Crespi & S. Manghani (ed.), Rhythm and Critique. Techniques, modalities, practices  », Rhuthmos, 8 juin 2020 [en ligne]. https://www.rhuthmos.eu/spip.php?article2563

P. Crespi & S. Maghani (dir.), Rhythm and Critique. Techniques, modalities, practices, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2020, 240 p.

 Rhythm and Critique presents 12 new essays from a range of specialists to define, contextualise and challenge the concepts of rhythm and rhythmanalysis. It includes newly translated materials from Rudolf Laban and Henri Meschonnic. The book begins with a genealogy of rhythm as it occurs through critical theory literatures of the 20th century, enabling the reader to situate philosophical and contemporary readings that further define rhythm as a critical term and mode of analysis.

 Paola Crespi is a Visiting Research Fellow at the Topology Research Unit at Goldsmiths, University of London. Her work has been published in international peer-reviewed journals, such as Body & Society (2014, print) and Theory, Culture & Society (2015, Online). She is Section Editor for Cultural Studies and Critical Theory for the Open Journal of the Humanities and is a member of the Editorial Board of Evental Aesthetics : An Independent Journal of Philosophy.

 Sunil Manghani is Professor of Theory, Practice and Critique at Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton.

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